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Table 7 Intraoperative Ramsay sedation score of the two groups

From: Comparison between thoracic paravertebral block and segmental thoracic spinal anesthesia in breast cancer surgery

Ramsay sedation score

TPVB group

STSA group


After 30 min



 1 = awake

12 (34.3%)

19 (54.3%)


 2 = calm

12 (34.3%)

7 (20.0%)


 3 = awake on verbal command

8 (22.9%)

9 (25.7%)


 4 = respond to tactile stimulus

3 (8.6%)

0 (0%)


After 60 min



 1 = awake

20 (57.1%)

26 (74.3%)


 2 = calm

13 (37.1%)

9 (25.7%)


 3 = awake on verbal command

2 (5.7%)

0 (0%)


After 90 min



 1 = awake

30 (85.7%)

28 (80%)


 2= calm

5 (14.3%)

7 (20%)

  1. Data are expressed in number and percent (n = 35). Ramsay sedation score: 1, awake, conscious, no sedation; 2, calm and compose; 3, awake on verbal command; 4, brisk response to gentle tactile stimulation; 5, awake on vigorous shaking; 6, unarousable